I decided to comment on your post because this is an area in which I have struggled with since word about this bill began to spread shortly after Colton Tooley opened fire on campus before turning the gun on himself.
It directly affected me since I was one of the few students who actually passed by him on his way into the library. Remembering him turning around, smiling, and waving at a couple of us going into class with one hand while holding on to his weapon inside his coat with the other remains so surreal to me and still sends shivers up my spine.
Since the incident, I have always consdiered the benefits and drawbacks of carrying a concealed weapon on campus. Much is to be considered. But this is the initial fear I had when debating whether I support it or not. It's no secret that while inebriated you become more reckless and make decisions that you normally wouldn't in sound mind. This can cause the obvious problem of the weapon being used for the wrong reason when the consequences are not measured.
But another option to consider is how reponsible people seeking their concealed weapon lincense would behave in a possible future gunman rampage. Let's say Tooley had actually opened fire on those he encountered along the way in to the library, if someone mentally stable and using their best judgement had been around and carrying his/her personal weapon they would have been able to stop him and possibly prevent the wounding or even killing of innocent bystanders.
I am by no means giving my full support to this proposed bill, I definitely still have mixed feelings about the entire issue, but that is something to consider. Which would be the lesser of the two evils?
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